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Challenges and Key Features in Deploying and Integrating Generative AI

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This article is part two of “Opportunities and Pitfalls of Generative AI from an SME Perspective” by senior reacher Janne Kauttonen and RDI Communications Specialist Martti Asikainen, originally published in Finnish in Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences’ eSignals Pro. 

Karuselli Vantaalla

FAIR’s customer Eminus Industries Trials Advanced Surveillance Tech amidst Winter Festival in Tikkurila

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FAIR’s customer Eminus Industries Trials Advanced Surveillance Tech amidst Winter Festival in Tikkurila A Finnish artificial intelligence company is pushing boundaries in urban surveillance technology, as it conducts winter trials of its innovative security software.… FAIR’s customer Eminus Industries Trials Advanced Surveillance Tech amidst Winter Festival in Tikkurila

Why do we need AI to create the biggest start up event in Finland?

The impact of artificial intelligence on business, society, and innovation was widely discussed during Slush week, and the majority of new innovations required the use of AI. Check out our photo collage from startup week and see how FAIR joined the discussion on the role of AI in society and the business world – capturing moments from the week and showcasing the AI revolution in the corporate landscape.

FAIR Event Brought AI into the Present Day

Miten tekoälystä saisi todellista kilpailuetua? Tule oppimaan yritysten tavoista hyödyntää tekoälyä liiketoiminnassaan ja pohtimaan kuinka tekoälystä saisi todellista kilpailuetua FAIR:in tapahtumassa 25.10. Espoossa.