In the Finnish AI Region our mission is to acceleratethegreen and digital transition of companies for moreecologically, economically and sociallysustainablefuture.Togetherwithindustrypartnerswefocus on connectingindustry and academia, butalsoleveragethewholeecosystem to fastenthe adoption and utilization of innovativetechnologies. Thepartnershipprogramallowsmoreefficient and impactfulcollaborationproducingresultseveryonecanenjoy.
Partnership program
The partnership program allows more efficient and impactful collaboration producing results everyone can enjoy.
FAIR aims to build a functional and impactfulecosystemdriving for technology adoption and utilization, in order tostayin theforefront of technologicalinnovations, research and skilledworkforce. Our mission is to acceleratethedevelopment of newinnovationsfocusing on thedigitalserviceindustry, healthand smart city sectors. Through connectingdifferentstakeholders,wecancreatepositiveimpact to theeconomy and thewhole of EU.
Our partners
FAIR Associate Partners are top industry players and organizations actively harnessing the possibilities created by AI, XR, cyber security and high-performance computing.FAIR collaborates with associate partners closely to develop FAIR services and enrich local ecosystems.
The FAIR associate partners understand the value of a functional ecosystem in AI and around other innovative technologies for the economy and growth.
Associate partners are fundamentally important to FAIR in building and operating an impactful ecosystem in Artificial Intelligence:
Associate partners enable effective collaboration across the ecosystem related to technical expertise, research work, solution development, pilot projects, market penetration and training.
Associate partners gain the front seat to the new innovations brewing in Finland, opportunity to grow their customer base, possibility to take part in FAIR service development, events and workshops, and a direct access to fresh talent.
FAIR and its associate partners are in active dialogue to ensure beneficial collaboration.