Finnish AI Region participating in Radical Health Helsinki 12.-14.6.2023

Come meet us at Radical Health Festival Helsinki on June 12-14, 2023. 

Radical Health Helsinki tapahtuman juliste
Nauha, jossa FAIR:in yhteistyökumppanien logot.

Come meet us at Radical Health Festival Helsinki (RHFH) on June 12-14, 2023. The festival will bring together all major digital health stakeholders, from policymakers, payers and providers to tech developers, life sciences and patient groups to revolutionise modern healthcare and make it sustainable once again.

The festival will delve into the most important digital health polemics, including AI, cyber, innovation, mental health, climate health, active ageing, telehealth, and digital maturity. 

You can find us from the stand coordinated by Health Capital Helsinki together with HUS, Healthproof Helsinki, Apotti, Helsinki’s and Espoo’s Invest-in and many others.

Learn more about Radical Health Festival Helsinki

Click here to learn more about Radical Health Helsinki Festival.

What is Radical Health Festival?

Radical Health Festival Helsinki (RHFH) is a new pan-European and truly cooperative conference where international key players in digital health will come together to create one of the largest health markets. RHFH is driven by a genuine, shared ambition to transform healthcare, deliver value, improve clinical and financial outcomes, and make health systems sustainable.

‌During the three-day festival, hospitals and health systems, pharmaceuticals, medtech, public and private insurers, major IT vendors, investors, patients and patient organizations, policy-making authorities, public health agencies, and many more will come together to take radical steps for a healthy future through panel discussions, workshops, presentation, live demos of innovative solutions and active networking.



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